Our Vision

The Vision of the APM will be:


Podiatry will be recognised as a distinct and autonomous health care profession with the public, policy-makers, and health care colleagues as being synonymous with foot health. Podiatrists will be at the forefront of innovative practice and high quality, cost-effective care in the Maltese islands, meeting a clear and continuing need in the population.

The Association of Podiatrists of Malta will:


– be the pre-eminent membership organisation for state registered Podiatrists practicing in Malta;

– endeavour to ensure that podiatry in all its totality is recognised as a core component of national health planning and delivery;

– represent and meet the needs of member Podiatrists accordingly;

– act as a channel and collaborator with the representing trade union/s on Podiatry related issues;

– play an active role in the international Federation (FIP/ IPF), particularly on European matters, and contribute to creating a strong and active representation and partnerships;

– endeavour to ensure added cooperation and collaboration with other national health care/ medical and other professional associations on common interests and mutual issues.

– be a leading advocate for the development of podiatry and foot health in Malta;

– be the viewed pre-eminent authority for podiatry and foot health in Malta

– be the pre-eminent authority on the promotion, improvement and advancement of standards and practice of podiatry and foot health in Malta;

– evaluate and commission appropriate research to support the advancement of the – podiatric practice including increased professional competences and autonomic rights that will in turn improve outcomes for patients ;

– endeavour to ensure sufficient podiatrists are educated both academically and clinically to meet the podiatric needs and vision of the profession in all sectors of practice by providing professional courses including CPD’s to members and other Podiatrists;

– offer accessible advice on foot health for the general population, utilising all mediums available;

– be on a firm and sustainable financial footing with a diversity of income streams.

This vision will lead to the following:


– medical practitioners and other health professionals will fully understand and recognise the role and scope of practise of podiatrists;

– podiatrists will be able to prescribe independently all medicines relevant to their scope of practise to improve patient care as proven by current research;

– podiatrists will be able to practice expanded scope of Podiatry practice after appropriate training has been given;

– the population in Malta will benefit from full Podiatry practice without hindrance and with easy access;

– the association will be viewed as an active promoter of quality health care and ever increased patients health.