Jan 20, 2021 | Research
Richard A. Schieber, M.D., M.P.H., Christine M. Branche-Dorsey, Ph.D., George W. Ryan, Ph.D., George W. Rutherford, Jr., M.S., Judy A. Stevens, M.S., M.P.H., and Joann O’Neil, B.S.N Engl J Med 1996; 335:1630-1635November 28, 1996DOI:...Jan 20, 2021 | Research
Gatt A, Spiteri M, Formosa C, Chockalingam N. Investigation of plantar pressures in overweight and non-overweight children with a neutral foot posture. OA Musculoskeletal Medicine 2014Apr 10;2(1):8.Abstract Abstract Aims The aim of the study was to determine...Jan 20, 2021 | Research
Ellul Christian, Mizzi Anabelle, Formosa Cynthia. (2014). Journal of Nurse Practioners. Vol 10. Issue 8. Pgs. 611- 615Abstract This study investigated whether daily tobacco smoking affects peripheral artery insufficiency in a cohort of middle-aged individuals. A...Jan 20, 2021 | Research
Cassar D. Formosa C. (2014). Malta Journal of Health Sciences. 1(1), 8-11Abstract Although pregnancy should be a joyous experience to all expectant mothers, it is also known to bring about a number of bodily changes which could impose lifestyle limitations throughout...Jan 20, 2021 | Research
Formosa C. Caruana D. Chockalingam N. (2014). Revista Internacional de Ciencias Podológicas Vol. 8 Num 2. 91 – 98Abstract Aim The podiatry profession has evolved over the past few decades and new specializations have been introduced in this field bringing with...